Indie Conference Newsletter

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2018/19 Newsletter Archives

August 2019: IndieCade, Freelance Conference & Justin Jackson

July 2019: Business of Software, DIY Musicians & Patrick McKenzie

September 2018: IndieCade, Uppercase and Bob Moesta

July 2018: MicroConf, DNX Global, How To Give A Tech Talk

June 2018: Freelance Conference, /dev/world, Laracon EU

May 2018: IndieAuthorCon, DIY Musicians & 20% off BoS Europe

April 2018: TBEX Europe, AltConf & Conferences For Introverts

January 2018: The Makers Summit, GDC, UIKonf & Rob Walling

2017 Newsletter Archives

November 2017: FemtoConf, Perth Games Festival & Jason Fried

October 2017: MicroConf Europe, BookBaby, TBEX and Marco Arment

June 2017: IndieCade, iOS Dev UK, Android DevCon

May 2017: Craft & Commerce, Digital Nomad Conference, Brennan Dunn

April 2017: DIY Musician Con, The Freelancers Conference, Christopher Hawkins

March 2017: WWDC, Revision and Product Launch tactics...

2015/16 Newsletter Archives

December 2016: Ludicious Zürich Game Festival, UIKonf, Marc Ecko

October 2016: Webstock, DjangoCon Europe, Peers Conf & Marco Arment

September 2016: World Domination Summit, Xojo Berlin, Nathan Barry

August 2016: HybridConf, Gold Laces, Kathy Sierra

July 2016: Life Time Value & making time for you and your indie project

May 2016: Small Is Beautiful, MicroConf Europe, HybridConf

April 2016: Creative At Heart, WWDC, BoS Europe and more...

March 2016: Laracon EU, Business Of Software USA and more...

February 2016: DjangoCon, Digital Nomads, 20% off Signal and more...

January 2016: Webstock, Yosemite, Signal & more...

March 2015: March 2015 News